Hi all,
the other day I was trying to explain to someone why moderate inflation is necessary in a modern economy and I struggled due to having an intuitive understanding of how something works but yet was unable to offer a concise coherent explanation.
I would like recommendations on books that can explain modern economics in view of the challenges we are facing (such as climate destruction, so growth-only models should be outdated) or offer evolving theories on it. An example would be https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29214420-doughnut-economics , are there more books similar to that?
Other books on history, philosophy, sociology, etc would be great too. I am trying to build a collection of books that would help an general unaware person to have a foundation of understanding the world in order to build a coherent, balanced worldview. I personally believe to generate new thinking on the current challenges we face we need to have a wide understanding on how things work (instead of simply spewing biased opinions) and what is already out there. I have an old trello board of books that was trying to accomplish this: https://trello.com/b/7F57eVSV/books-for-understanding-the-world as an example.
If you read a book that broadened your understanding on how the world works or how it should work, a recommendation will be greatly appreciated! Thanks.