Great question from Twitter: “Who are your favorite ethnographers of systems?”
Examples given:
- Jane Jacobs on cities (see: Death and Life of Great American Cities)
- Elinor Ostrom on commons management (see: Governing the Commons)
- Lucy Suchman on human-machine communication (see: Human-Machine Reconfigurations)
- Nadia Eghbal on open source maintenance (see: OSS Research)
Here are some I’d suggest (interpreting both systems and ethnography fairly loosely), with a favorite book from each:
Jenny Odell - attention
Jackie Wang - capitalism & justice system
Bernd Heinrich - forests
Keith Johnstone - theater & improv
Annie Dillard - nature & seasons
Thomas Kuhn - scientific revolutions
Steward Brand - time & civilization & the long now
Douglas Hofstadter - language & translation