As Mortimer Adler describes in How to Read A Book, there are in fact many types — modes, mindsets, practices — of reading!
And as Pierre Bayard makes clear in How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, there similarly exist many types of not reading!
The idea of learning from books without, you know, necessarily reading them all the way through in the sense we usually think of when we talk about reading, is a big influence on this very site. The “antilibrary” as a concept I find powerful largely for how it makes me aware of a wide variety of books and consider how I can examine and learn from far more books than I can ever possibly get through.
How to actually do this? In part, it requires admitting to yourself you can’t read every great book that catches your eye, and also that you should probably stop reading mediocre books part-way through (a hard one for me, a die-hard completionist). It also means probably keeping a list (or lists) of books, perhaps thinking about taking notes on all kinds of books, generally just looking at and talking about them a lot, etc.
Do you have any particular ways of “non-reading” that you’ve found helpful? Mental strategies? Tools for triage? Note-taking rituals? Anything that helps you cope with the constant cascade of certifiably curiosity-compelling codices?